Incarnational Jesus
Hello all! Sorry for the long space in between updates. I think that I'm just going to have to admit (to my shame) that updates will be ever two weeks or so (that's how much time it takes for juicy news to accumulate ;-) ). Life here has been good albeit busy. Daniel has entered into a new phase in his relationship with Jesus. It's awesome to see it! He has started considering the big issues in our faith and trying to come to Christ-honoring conclusions. It has been really awesome to see his progress! This is all while he has been having a lot of family and friend troubles! I'm also starting to disciple another couple of guys. One accepted Jesus a couple months ago at RE:Hope, and the other is a law student at the uni. Please pray for the first one because he has a tendency to either not show up or show up really really late.
I've been reading a few books by a certain author lately. His name is Donald Miller and I really suggest his books. He takes what sometimes seem to be dry renderings of Jesus and fleshes them out in a way that makes sense in our postChristian society. That's why I've put the heading "Incarnational Jesus" over this entry. I look at my life and realize I often fall short of living for Jesus. Sometimes, the way my life looks, I live as if Jesus were a nice idea but not necessary for postmodern life. It's really made me look at how I do ministry and try to live the gospel and the Kingdom, not just preach it.
If those of you loyal readers wouldn't mind praying for a few things, I'd really appreciate it. The first thing is budget. Because of living expenses, I had to raise my budget a little bit for this year. This translates into the fact that I am about 80% funded monthly. Also Brian has asked me if I would be available to go with him to conferences in Orlando and Geneva. I would love to go, but the money's not in the budget. So if you would, please pray that God would work that out. Also please pray for Daniel, David, and Frazer as I disciple them, that they would here Jesus and not me. Thank you all!